
TRSC Tarantula is the only student rugby club in Tilburg. After some years of rest, ‘a few good men’ decided to prolong a good history of fun, sports, brotherhood and loyalty. Since June 2008 our club has had our renewed kick-off of one of the most international sports worldwide.

Rugby is by outsiders considered as a rough and tough sport played by people who have no brains and only know how to hurt each other. Luckily the difference is true. Rugby is one of the elite sports in the world, it is mostly played at Universities all over the world and more over a lot of graduates do find there way into the premier leagues of Rugby.

Besides, Rugby is a sport where brotherhood has an important role. Therefore many rugby players (read fanatics) consider rugby not just as a sport, but as a lifestyle. On the field there is war, you play to win!!! But the game will be fair, the referee is there to protect and therefore highly respected (even when the decision is doubtful).

Off the field, Rugby is one big festivity. You drink beer with your ‘enemy’, you sing songs, you talk about rugby and what so ever. So whenever you are seeking for a sport with Pride, Passion and Loyalty, with Respect, Discipline and Joy…

Come and join TSRC Tarantula, because it is a lifestyle that fits anybody !!!

Rick Meijer
Former President TSRC Tarantula